Insights into Learning Disabilities: From Prevailing Theories to Validated Practices

Editors-in-Chief: Matthias Grünke & Teresa A. Citro
Associate Editor: Casey Hord
Insights on Learning Disabilities (ILD) is a peer-reviewed journal, focused on the practical aspects of working with children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities and related disorders. Its primary focus lies on the dissemination of empirically supported interventions for individuals with difficulties in reading, writing, spelling or doing mathematical calculations. Articles published in ILD meet high quality standards for scholarly papers, but at the same time present findings in such a way that they are easily understood, relevant, and usable for practitioners. ILD follows a double-blind peer review procedure to ensure fair and anonymous assessment of all submissions. It is published bi-annually in print and online by Learning Disabilities Worldwide (LDW).
Indexed in ERIC, Google Scholar, TOC Premier, and many others.
ISBN (Print): 1-930877-00-5 · ISSN (Electronic): 1949-1212